
As an active part of my practice, I offer on-site presentations focused on wellness and wellbeing, mental health issues and team development. My extensive experience includes seminars and interactive lectures presented to such diverse groups as mental health professionals and corporate teams. I can expertly tailor presentations to the needs of your team. Examples of the types of presentations I have given include:

The Enneagram: How to use it to further an understanding of yourself and your co-workers

Resilience: How to transform a team into one that can respond to today’s numerous demands

Moral courage: How to tell truth to power and what it takes to stand up for what matters

I have also consulted with teams to help them develop their capacity and work smarter, not harder. I focus on working to develop, identify and support the gifts and talents each member brings to the team. Having worked as a manager for many years in a variety of settings, I understand the challenges and rewards of being in a pivotal supervisory role. I bring thoughtful confidence and a wealth of expertise, all of which has been acquired through real life experience.